AI applications often require more data than a single organization can provide. Federated learning (FL) is an attractive approach to overcome this bottleneck by connecting distributed data sources. Instead of exchanging raw data, collaborators process their data locally and only share insights in the form of AI models. So far, this technology is mainly established in smartphones, but it promises great potential to drive AI adoption in various industries and optimize AI solutions across internal units and even multiple organizations. Implementing FL systems requires mastering the combination of AI and distributed systems.
The course is about the management of FL projects and describes the steps of FL implementation in business practice. The focus is on managing the complexity of design decisions in the development of FL systems. In addition, various forms of technology delivery and promising areas of application are discussed. Considering increasing regulations related to data processing and AI solutions, such as the GDPR and the EU AI Act, it is shown how to ensure compliance with ethical principles in the context of FL.
Course Structure
The course consists of a lecture and a seminar. The seminar is mandatory. Students work in groups and can choose between a business and a technical topic.
Location and Date
Lecture dates: April 24, May 8, May 15, May 22, June 12
Room: LG 0.424
Course Registration
We have limited capacity so not all students who have registered can be accepted. Please do not send an email for registration. Registration is via StudOn.
Information coming soon.
Grading and Exam ID
Written Exam, 60 min (50%), ID: 74911
Presentation, 15 min (50%) , ID: 74912
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